A crew of idealistic soap junkies, a truck load of ambition and a healthy dose of blind optimism was all it took to make Stone Street Soaphouse what it is today – the most fun, devilishly handsome soap making company in the land.

Some call it soap. We call it our obsession. How it feels, how it smells, how easy it is on the eye, how happy it leaves our skin.

We fret over each detail, hand select each ingredient, bring forth batch, each glorious bar, with thrill and ceremony.

Because soap is, to us, the beginning and the end of everything.

From a small and occasionally manic soap house on a farm in south-east England we perfected its art.

In fact, we have a peculiar fondness for all sorts of blends and potions, whether liquid soaps, hair products or bubble bath – each the subject of much happy deliberation.

But it’s the soap that has our heart.

And let it never be said that all soap is the same. Take a Stone Street Soaphouse bar and live with it for a week or two.

Soap may never seem the same again...